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After Such Knowledge, What...

After Such Knowledge, What...

<p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>After such Knowleoge. What Forgiveness ?</strong><br />My encounters with Kurdistan<br /><br />This highly readable book, filled with colorful detail and personal anecdote, concerns the Kurds, the least known of the major peoples of the Middle East. Mr. Randal has spent more than a decade moving among them and inquiring into their affairs, and he gives us a valuable firsthand account of the battle they have waged against all of those (including fellow Kurds) who have tried to rule them. indomitable warriors, the Kurdish tribesmen have always lost at the peace conference whatever they win on the battlefield, but they never give up. Mr. Randal has a fascinating tale to tell, and nobody has told it better than be does here.</p> <p align="right"><strong>David FROMKIN</strong></p>
Prix 15,00 €
Etudes Kurdes - N° HS III -...

Etudes Kurdes - N° HS III -...

<p style="text-align:left;"><strong>LA LIGUE NATIONALE KURDE<br />KHOYBOUN</strong></p> <p style="text-align:left;">Mythes et réalités de la première organisation nationaliste kurde</p> <p style="text-align:justify;">La Ligue Khoyboun (Être soi-même) se trouve à la base de la conceptualisation du nationalisme kurde moderne en Turquie. Ce comité, créé en 1927, vise à réaliser l’union de tous les Kurdes, sans distinction de religion, de dialecte et de classe sociale, dans un Kurdistan indépendant.<br /><br />La modernité de la Ligue Khoyboun réside aussi dans l’importance accordée par ses dirigeants à sa propagande<br />politique. Cette propagande est couplée avec un investissement important dans les contacts diplomatiques, pour la plupart officieux, avec les acteurs étatiques (Iran, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Union soviétique) et non étatiques de la région (les Arméniens et l’opposition turque).<br /><br />Ce faisant, le Khoyboun réussit à s’insérer dans un système d’alliances politico-militaires et, de la sorte, devenir un acteur régional incontournable, par exemple lors de la révolte de l’Ararat.</p>
Prix 5,00 €
Prison No 5: Eleven Years...

Prison No 5: Eleven Years...

<p align="justify">A prominent figure in the Kurdish community, former mayor of Diyarbakir—principal Kurdish town in Turkey, Mehdi Zana has always pursued a conciliatory approach to the resolution of the Kurdish question. In a statement to the European Parliament in 1992 he said, "Like all the Kurds sentenced for the 'crime of separatism' I have been stripped of my political rights for life ... I should, perhaps, make it clear that while I continue to campaign peacefully for the recognition of the rights of the 15 million (Kurds living in Turkey, I am riot port of any party or movement." This is his account of the dreadful terror of prison life with o preface by Elie Wiesel and a postscript by <strong>Kendal Nezan</strong>.</p> <p align="justify">Overwhelming on o political scale and humanly intolerable, this desperate and appalling testimony of the Kurdish leader Mehdi Zana is especially so when it discusses the recent history of the 1970s and the 1980s... Solitary confinement, guards insults, the obligation ro solute the captains dog, the bearings, the sleep deprivation, the falaka, the fainting, the trampling, the electrodes attached to genitals, German shepherds trollied ro bite the private ports of naked prisoners. How does one understand? How can we explain the institutionalization of these brutalities, this humiliation, this dehumanization?  <strong>Elie Wiesel</strong></p> <p align="justify">After serving eleven years in the notorious military prison in Diyarbakir, Mehdi Zana was released in 1991 following a conditional amnesty, only ro be sentenced again in 1994 to four more years and in 1997 ro ten more months of imprisonment for his testimony to the European Parliament Human Rights Sub-Committee and for publishing a poetry book, respectively. Mehdi Zana's wife, Leyla Zana-a Noble Peace Prize candidate and winner of Sakharov Prize for Freedom—is one of the six Kurdish deputies in Turkey who were charged with "separatism," stripped of their parliamentary immunity, and arrested in March 1994. She is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence in Ankara Prison. </p>
Prix 15,00 €
Le livre de l'Histoire...

Le livre de l'Histoire...

<p><span style="color:#000000;">Connus depuis l’Antiquité, les Kurdes n’ont jamais possédé un Etat propre. Ils n’ont pourtant jamais cessé, au fil des siècles, de revendiquer leurs droits à avoir leur propre nation.</span></p> <p><span style="color:#000000;"> Le traité de Sèvres en 1920, fût l’unique lueur d’espoir qui laissa très vite place à l’amertume. En 1923, les Alliés cédèrent face aux exigences des autorités de la nouvelle Turquie, en sacrifiant les intérêts du peuple Kurde.</span></p> <p><span style="color:#000000;"> C’est ainsi que, lors du traité de Lausanne, le Kurdistan fût divisé en quatre partie, chacune soumise à la puissance d’un Etat souverain. Depuis, les Kurdes ne cessent de se battre pour leurs droits nationaux dans une indifférence totale.</span></p> <p><span style="color:#000000;"> Seule consolation depuis un siècle de lutte, l’accession d’un Kurde à la Présidence de la République Irakienne, en mars 2005. Ce dernier avait combattu le régime de Bagdad pendant près de 50 ans.</span></p>
Prix 10,00 €
Şivanê Kurd - Le Berger kurde

Şivanê Kurd - Le Berger kurde

<p>Dans le Berger kurde, Ereb Şemo, avec beaucoup de naturel et de simplicité et non sans poésie, nous fait connaître, dans les détails de tous les jours, la vie au grand air des tribus nomades. On ne lira pas ces récits sans émotion ni non plus sans intérêt, d'autant plus que ces coutumes séculaires ont pratiquement disparu dans la majeure partie du Kurdistan.</p>
Prix 10,00 €
The Kurdish and Armenian...

The Kurdish and Armenian...

<p>Turkey's repression of the Kurds has been widely documented - and is acknowledged as a major obstade to Turkey's accession to the European Union. But what lies behind such repression? Fernandes confronts the issue head on, forcing the reader to probe a question that many in Turkey and elsewhere would rather avoid: does the systematic repression of the Kurds amount to genocide? Open discussion of this issue is critical if a long-term resolution of the Kurdish issue is to be achieved - Nicholas Hildyard, Policy Analyst.</p> <p>Tue book is an exceptionally important read for anyone with a broad interest in human rights and social justice. lt has a scholarly account of the historical background to the present awful situation ofT urkish Armenians and T urkish Kurds. In particular, the book provides a powerful comparative analysis of the policies of the US, Israel and Turkey in terms of their rationale for labelling human atrocities as genocide - Dr. Julia Kathleen Davidson, Research Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow and Membership Secretary of Scotland Against Criminalising communities (SACC).</p> <p>In this important book, Desmond Fernandes exposes ehe details of the sordid and largely hidden role of Israel and the US Israel Lobby in preventing Congress from recognizing the Turkish genocide of the Armenians - Jeff Blankfort, Former Editor, Middk Bast Labour Bul.ktin.</p> <p>Among its Cold War victories the United States certainly succeeded in its ambition to make the world safe for nationalism. As identity politics is reprocessed as a function of global capital, and rehabilitated as its natural ally, Desmond Fernandes documents the fractured consequences of the ready-made social fantasy - Variant: Cross Currents in Culture.</p> <p>Fernandes' painstaking investigation sheds much needed light on the collusion between the Turkish State and the Israel lobby in preventing recognition of one of the darkest episodes of the past century, the genocide of Ottoman Turkey's ethnic Armenians - Muhammad ldrees Ahmad, Spinw,itch.</p> <p><br />Desmond Fernandes writes for those who spoke the truth and were murdered, those who spoke 200 days ago and are still imprisoned, and for those who live in terror and in silence, or who meet in nameless buildings, so that the words 'GENOCIDE: ethnic deansing, or the Turkish military word 'TEMIZLEME: may be heard as a siren call for the muted victims of the T urkish state - Diamanda Galas, Composer and Performer of Songs of Exik, Vena Cava, Schrei X, Plague Mass and Defixiones, Will And Test11ment.</p> <p>Desmond Fernandes is a policy analyst and former Senior Lecturer in Human Geography and Genocide Studies at De Montfort University, England. He has published widely in a number of journals and is co-author of Genozid an den Kurden in der Türkei? - Verfolgung, Krieg und Zerstörung der ethnischen Identität (2001, Medico International, Frankfurt). Forthcoming titles by the author indude The Kurdish Genocide in Turkey and US, UK, German, Israeli and NATO 'Inspired' Psychological Warfare Operations against the 'Kurdish Threat' in Turkey and Northern Iraq, due to be published by Apec Press, Stockholm. Front cover: 'Dersini by Gabriella Petra de Rosa.</p>
Prix 20,00 €
Hawar 1 - Hejmar 1-23...

Hawar 1 - Hejmar 1-23...

<p><strong>Hawar, cild 1, hejmar 1 - 23<br /><br />Celadet Alî Bedir-Xan<br /><br />Nûdem</strong><br /><br />Xwedî û berpirsiyarê Hawarê Celadet Ali Bedir-Xan di sala ı897an de li Stenbolê hatiye dinyayê. Ew kurê Emîn Alî Bedir-Xan û birayê Kamiran û Sureya Bedir-Xan e. Di warê siyasî, kulturî û edebî de, rola Celadet û malbata wî mezin e. Malbata Celadet ku bi têkoşîna xwe ya ji bo avakirina Kurdistan navdar e, piştî avakirina cumhûriyeta Tirkiyeyê, ji aliyê karbidestên cumhûriyetê ve tê surgun kirin. Bavê Celadet, Emîn Alî û birayê wî Sureya li Misrê bi cîh dibin û Celadet û birayê xwe Kamiran jî ji bo xwendine diçin Almanyayê. Celadet li Almanyayê doktoraya xwe ya huqûqê dike û di salên sihî de vedigere Şamê. Şam hingî di destan fransizan de ye. Celadet li wir dest bi takoşîna kurdayetiyê dike û dibe yek ji pêşengên tevgera Xoybûnê ya girîng. Piştî ku serîhildana Agiriyê têk diçe, Celadet Bedir-Xan destê xwe ji siyasetê dikişîne û xwe bi hemî hêza xwe dide kultur û edebiyatê. Ew di sala 1932an de dest bi weşandina kovara Hawarê dike. Ji sala 1932an heta 1943an 57 hejmarên Hawarê derdikevin. Ji bilî kovara Hawarê jî wî ji nîsana 1942an heta adara 1945an bi navê Ronahiyê kovareke din derxistiye. Ev kovara ha jî xwerû bi kurdî bû û li ser hev 28 hejmar derketine. Ji bilî kovarên Hawar û Ronahiyê Celadet Bedir-Xan ev pirtûkên ha jî nivîsandine: Elîfba kurdî, Rêzimana kurdî, Ferhenga kurdî, Rêzana elfabeya kurdî, Rûpeline Elfabê, Dibaca Mewlûdê, Dibaca Nivêjên Êzdiyan, Mektûb ji Mustefa Kemal paşa re, Ji mesela Kurdistanê, wergera çîroka Conî û Cimêma û bi dehan nivîs û gotarên çapkirî û neçapkirî... Herweha Celadet Bedir-Xan digel birayê xwe Kamiran bi riya weşanên Hawarê bi dehan pirtûk pêşkêşî pirtûkxaneya kurdî kirine. Celadet Bedir-Xanê ku ji bilî navê xwe li dor deh navên din jî bi kar anî ye, di 15. 7. 1951ê de mîna gelek pêşeng û rewşenbîrên kurdan, ji welatê xwe dûr, li Sûriyê wefat kir. Ew niha li goristaneke Şamê veşartî ye.</p>
Prix 30,00 €
Mémoire du Kurdistan
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Mémoire du Kurdistan

<p align="justify"><strong>Mémoire du Kurdistan<br /></strong>recueil de textes kurdes</p> <p align="justify">La littérature orale est prédominante chez les Kurdes. L'analphabétisme presque généralisé dans le Kurdistan a engendré ce phénomène. Cette situation dominante de la littérature orale est accompagnée de la prédominance de la poésie sur la prose. "Tout Kurde, homme et femme, est poète" remarquait déjà au siècle dernier l'écrivain et pédagogue arménien Katchatur Abovian. On est, en effet, frappé par l'abondance de la production littéraire féminine. Si la vigueur de l'expression et les sentiments patriotiques manifestés diffèrent peu de la poésie masculine, certains thèmes par contre sont particuliers aux femmes. Lisez "Kharabo", "Notre Maison", "Ritchko"... Hommes et femmes parlent de l'amour, des combats, de la vie pastorale... Le sentiment national est fréquemment marqué, de même qu'une référence constante à la terre kurde. Celle-ci est minutieusement décrite: les noms de montagnes, de rivières, de régions, des villes, ceux des tribus grandes et petites, abondent dans le texte.....</p> <p align="justify">Malgré toutes ces limites, nous espérons que cette anthologie aidera à comprendre et à aimer le peuple kurde.</p> <p style="text-align:right;"><strong>Joyce BLAU<br />Juin 1984 </strong></p> <p align="justify"> </p>
Prix 8,00 €
Hawar 2 - Hejmar 24-57...

Hawar 2 - Hejmar 24-57...

<p><strong>Hawar, cild 2, hejmar 24 - 57<br /><br />Celadet Alî Bedir-Xan<br /><br />Nûdem</strong><br /><br />Xwedî û berpirsiyarê Hawarê Celadet Ali Bedir-Xan di sala ı897an de li Stenbolê hatiye dinyayê. Ew kurê Emîn Alî Bedir-Xan û birayê Kamiran û Sureya Bedir-Xan e. Di warê siyasî, kulturî û edebî de, rola Celadet û malbata wî mezin e. Malbata Celadet ku bi têkoşîna xwe ya ji bo avakirina Kurdistan navdar e, piştî avakirina cumhûriyeta Tirkiyeyê, ji aliyê karbidestên cumhûriyetê ve tê surgun kirin. Bavê Celadet, Emîn Alî û birayê wî Sureya li Misrê bi cîh dibin û Celadet û birayê xwe Kamiran jî ji bo xwendine diçin Almanyayê. Celadet li Almanyayê doktoraya xwe ya huqûqê dike û di salên sihî de vedigere Şamê. Şam hingî di destan fransizan de ye. Celadet li wir dest bi takoşîna kurdayetiyê dike û dibe yek ji pêşengên tevgera Xoybûnê ya girîng. Piştî ku serîhildana Agiriyê têk diçe, Celadet Bedir-Xan destê xwe ji siyasetê dikişîne û xwe bi hemî hêza xwe dide kultur û edebiyatê. Ew di sala 1932an de dest bi weşandina kovara Hawarê dike. Ji sala 1932an heta 1943an 57 hejmarên Hawarê derdikevin. Ji bilî kovara Hawarê jî wî ji nîsana 1942an heta adara 1945an bi navê Ronahiyê kovareke din derxistiye. Ev kovara ha jî xwerû bi kurdî bû û li ser hev 28 hejmar derketine. Ji bilî kovarên Hawar û Ronahiyê Celadet Bedir-Xan ev pirtûkên ha jî nivîsandine: Elîfba kurdî, Rêzimana kurdî, Ferhenga kurdî, Rêzana elfabeya kurdî, Rûpeline Elfabê, Dibaca Mewlûdê, Dibaca Nivêjên Êzdiyan, Mektûb ji Mustefa Kemal paşa re, Ji mesela Kurdistanê, wergera çîroka Conî û Cimêma û bi dehan nivîs û gotarên çapkirî û neçapkirî... Herweha Celadet Bedir-Xan digel birayê xwe Kamiran bi riya weşanên Hawarê bi dehan pirtûk pêşkêşî pirtûkxaneya kurdî kirine. Celadet Bedir-Xanê ku ji bilî navê xwe li dor deh navên din jî bi kar anî ye, di 15. 7. 1951ê de mîna gelek pêşeng û rewşenbîrên kurdan, ji welatê xwe dûr, li Sûriyê wefat kir. Ew niha li goristaneke Şamê veşartî ye.</p>
Prix 30,00 €